al-Haura' Maqsurah.

This is my journey from Allah to Allah. Walking with all I might, searching for the one and truly light. Build up the cracked hopes. Repair the broken hearts. Take some and throw some. Put all the pieces back. This is part of the life. Through ups and downs, shall I be tough. I will fight with all my heart. I will try with all I might. 

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Travelog kami : Moscow Kami Datang! - Day 2
Monday 30 November 2015 | 01:41 | 0COMMENTS
Dengan namaNya bicara itu dimulakan, Assalamualaikum again from Moscow. It's day three already, tapi dalam post kali ni saya cerita kisah semalam ya? (as been promised) :D

outfit for today. Gemuks itu suatu kebiasaan di sini. ;)

Snow nipis.

 Okay memang jakun sangat haha biasalah. Lepastu kami naik teksi dari apartment kakak ke Red Square. Nama je 'red' tapi bangunan tu bukan kaler merah pun. Ia dinamakan 'red' kerana pada waktu dahulu di era 90-an atau mungkin 60-80-an orang-orang Rusia nih definasikan 'red' itu sebagai kebahgiaan. So jadilah ia 'Red Square'.

kemudiannya, kami menaiki bas double-decker nih. Bas ni dia bawa pusing sekeliling bandar yakni "kitai'' sebutannya didalam bahasa Ruski. Then kami turun, jalan-jalan menuju ke Art Museum, one of the biggest museum!

start jalan-jalan. Cantik kann? Subhanallah.

this is the art museum! siapa boleh baca tulisan ni? aok memang mantak.

yep, this is the ticket.
untuk afi dan ifah ticket depa free sebab umur masih muda. 
haha, jelous much.

sauceboat with two handles! Awesome yet so cute.

a statue of mourning women.

most of the paintings, sculptures, ornaments, statues are all in Russian. Kami dok pahe. So kakak sewa benda nih ala-ala macam tepon untuk dengar translationnya version English.

oh kenapa tu afi? haha


saya tak faham, tapi saya rasa sangat unik.

see that? it made up from mosaics. sometimes the olden people are more creative than us, kan? ohsemnya. again, it's from Allah.

it's a mummy of a cat!

saw that coffin and think it'd be great having a selfie with that thing.

Penat tawaf muzium tu, kami pun pulang berjalan kaki menuju ke bandar.
(afi paling eksaited bila nampak snow walaupun hanya seceput)
cute little pumpkin ^^

ohya, sebelum pergi ke bandar kami singgah mall kejap untuk menunaikan solat.
(kami solat dalam fitting room) hoho.
then, we were having some coffee to heat us up.
picture: written as 'coffee house'

my favourite one was flavoured caramel coffee. Lamaaaa tak minum kopi.
Sekali minum banyak terus rasa pening haha.

waktu ni afi merajuk sebab kopi dah habis. huhu. sian afi.

ni pakaian tentera depa.

Allah. gemuknya subhanallah!

waktu ni dalam kepala terfikir,
'tak sejuk ke kak?'

proses memujuk afi by nisah.

one more time, by ifah.

ni stall jual eskrim. sangat cantik!

seterusnya kami naik metro, untuk pulang ke rumah setelah puas wandering around at the city.
(escalator panjang!)

umi abah kepenatan.

hihi. so cute.
(abah dan umi)

okay, the end.

Alhamdulillah. seronok berjalan, it's wonderful to know different cultures and it makes me feel how grateful i'm supposed to be more towards the Creator. Thanks for the good memories.

Hari ketiga ada apa? Nantikan.
till here, Assalamualaikum.